[tex-hyphen] tex-hyphen Digest, Vol 55, Issue 5

Arthur Reutenauer arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org
Thu Jun 12 19:23:46 CEST 2014

> One thing I found in the error logs is the problem with QX
> patterns/conversions:

  Oh right, so when you said that you were modifying files for Polish
hyphenation you really meant it ;-)  You shouldn't use the part about
encodings, it's really unnecessary nowadays, and will create more
problems than it solves.  And it won't work that way anyway: the QX
encoding is meant for Polish and doesn't support characters such as ā.

  In order to make things as straightforward as possible, you should use
UTF-8 all along -- unless you specifically want to avoid it, in which
case things get more complicated.  I suggest to use XeTeX and a single
file for hyphenation patterns (no loadhyph file, no conversion macros).
Just put your patterns in hyph-pi-latn.tex as:

          % etc.


  Then add the line "pali hyph-pi-latn.tex" to your language.dat in the
appropriate directory, and run

	fmtutil --byfmt xelatex

  That compiles the format file for XeLaTeX; you won't need more as a
first step.

  Then, using "xelatex" from the command line, you should be able to
switch to your patterns by issuing the command \uselanguage{pali}

> I'm using the 'texi2pdf' command for the compilation of .tex files.

  Why in particular?  This is meant for texinfo documents, a system for
writing software manuals.  It will invoke some TeX engine to produce
PDF, but if you want to use TeX directly it's rather a hindrance.



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