[tex-hyphen] Add a new language support (+hyphenation)

Krzysztof Borowczyk krzysztof at jasmine.eu.org
Sat Jun 7 23:32:33 CEST 2014


Recently I wanted to prepare some Pāli text in the modified Roman
script. The main problem I'm struggling with is getting Tex/LaTeX to
hyphenate that for me correctly.

I tried to add support for Pāli language and hyphenation, mostly by
copying and modifying files for Polish language (+ hyphenation rules
generated by patgen, based on a list of Pāli words I hyphenated

I seem to have the language set up, but it still does not load the
hyphenation patterns:

Babel <v3.8m> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang,
nohyphenation, uk
english, usenglishmax, assamese, bengali, gujarati, hindi, kannada,
marathi, oriya, panjabi, tamil, telugu, sanskrit, polish, loaded.

although I have the (I think correct) entry in language.dat:

english         hyphen.tex  % do not change!
panjabi loadhyph-pa.tex
tamil loadhyph-ta.tex
telugu loadhyph-te.tex
sanskrit loadhyph-sa.tex
pali loadhyph-pi.tex
polish loadhyph-pl.tex

Can you tell me, if there is some kind of manual or at least a list of
things to do, to add support for language/hyphenation? I couldn't find
anything on the web.

I'm currently using texlive 2012 distribution on Gentoo Linux.

best regards,
Krzysztof Borowczyk

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