[tex-hyphen] Persian unicode hyphenation pattern

Vafa Khalighi persian-tex at tug.org
Sat Sep 21 11:55:22 CEST 2013


fahyph[1] package exists on CTAN for Persian unicode hyphenation pattern.
Could you please activate it for unicode TeX engines (XeTeX and LuaTeX).

Note 1: At the moment it only breaks words between ZWNJ but I will upload
another update to CTAN by the end of this year containing full hyphenation
patterns for Persian.

Note 2: Unlike Arabic, hyphenation is allowed in Persian and has been in
use for a long time. In Persian typography both hyphenation and Keshide
(stretching words) are done. For an example of hyphenation in Persian
typography, please see the attached image.

[1] http://ctan.org/pkg/fahyph
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