[tex-hyphen] [tex-live] Install TeX Live 20130914 failed

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Sep 17 16:35:52 CEST 2013

Robin Fairbairns wrote:

> from this i learn (a) that at the time the post 
> http://listserv.tau.ac.il/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0011&L=ivritex&P=591 was 
> written, there was no hebrew hyphenation patterns, even among those 
> whose main language is hebrew.
> that hebtex list is a closed one, so (apart from archived posts) 
> there seems little chance of getting any further.

The following seems to be the key part :

>>> No reason to put the hyphen in Hebrew between syllables. It's 
>>> enough to watch that the word will not split to shorter than 3
>>> letters sections. This check is indeed done by the mentioned
>>> software.

So all that we need is LHM=3, RHM=3, and patterns that permit
hyphenation between all possible pairs of Hebrew characters
that represent letters; should I therefore move this part of
the discussion to the TeX-Hyphen list ?

** Phil.

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