[tex-hyphen] Hyphenation of polytonic Greek (expressed in Unicode)

Jonathan Kew jfkthame at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 12 19:48:01 CEST 2013

On 12/9/13 18:16, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
>> Thank you, Arthur :  much appreciated.  I note (with regret) that
>> the current source (a Microsoft Excel document) contains no
>> explicit language tagging
>    Since you'll be using XeTeX, you can take advantage of the fact that
> the two languages you'll be working with use disjoint character sets,
> and make the language switch automatic using XeTeX's inter-character
> token mechanism.

Or you could cheat by loading both the English and Greek patterns into 
the same TeX \language; as they are dealing with separate parts of the 
Unicode character space, they won't interfere with each other. Then both 
English and Greek will hyphenate correctly with no additional markup or 
other effort.

This is of course a limited "hack" that may be suitable for a specific 
project where you can create a custom format with the "merged" patterns 
you need, and the patterns involved don't overlap; it's not a 
general-purpose solution for multilingual hyphenation.


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