[tex-hyphen] Hyphenation of polytonic Greek (expressed in Unicode)

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Thu Sep 12 19:09:28 CEST 2013

Arthur Reutenauer wrote:

> 	http://tug.org/svn/texhyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex/hyph-grc.tex?revision=592&view=markup

>   Just change \language whenever you switch between English and Greek
> (provided both pattern sets have been dumped in the format as hinted
> above).

Thank you, Arthur :  much appreciated.  I note (with regret) that
the current source (a Microsoft Excel document) contains no
explicit language tagging; I shall have to experiment and see
if I can introduce tagging in such a way that it will be retained
after conversion to XML using Oxygen.

** Phil.
Windows 8 ? Just say "no".

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