[tex-hyphen] should bahasa be a synonym for Indonesian?

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Wed Nov 27 13:51:07 CET 2013

Arthur Reutenauer wrote:

>   My question would be: why do you expect "bahasa" to work at all?  It
> is at best ambiguous, as it could also mean Bahasa Malaysia, already
> supported by both Babel and Polyglossia (and as Mojca points out, many
> other languages can use "Bahasa" in their names too).

The only instance of "bahasa" that I can find in the supplied document
is here :


Since I can replace "bahasa" with "english" and have the document
compile (apparently) successfully, there would seem to be no
/a priori/ reason why "bahasa" cannot be used in the same way.  It
is no more (and no less) ambiguous than "english", which may refer
to British English, Australian English, American English and so on.

Philip Taylor

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