[tex-hyphen] multiple patterns files

Javier Bezos listas at tex-tipografia.com
Sat Jul 27 21:12:33 CEST 2013


> But if you look at the loader this is already what's happening:

I see. Since it was a feature request I just assumed it was not
done. I'll have a look at the files you copied the code from.


>>From the loader (pdfTeX/XeTeX):
> \ifx\secondarg\empty
>      % Unicode-aware engine (such as XeTeX or LuaTeX) only sees a
> single (2-byte) argument
>      \message{UTF-8 Serbian hyphenation patterns}
>      % We load both scripts at the same time to simplify usage
>      \input hyph-sh-latn.tex
>      \input hyph-sh-cyrl.tex
> \else
>      % 8-bit engine (such as TeX or pdfTeX)
>      \message{EC Serbian hyphenation patterns in Latin script}
>      \input conv-utf8-ec.tex
>      \input hyph-sh-latn.tex
>>From language.dat.lua:
> -- from hyphen-serbian:
> ['serbian'] = {
> loader = 'loadhyph-sr-latn.tex',
> lefthyphenmin = 2,
> righthyphenmin = 2,
> synonyms = {  },
> patterns = 'hyph-sh-latn.pat.txt,hyph-sh-cyrl.pat.txt',
> hyphenation = 'hyph-sh-latn.hyp.txt,hyph-sh-cyrl.hyp.txt',
> },
> ['serbianc'] = {
> loader = 'loadhyph-sr-cyrl.tex',
> lefthyphenmin = 2,
> righthyphenmin = 2,
> synonyms = {  },
> patterns = 'hyph-sh-latn.pat.txt,hyph-sh-cyrl.pat.txt',
> hyphenation = 'hyph-sh-latn.hyp.txt,hyph-sh-cyrl.hyp.txt',
> },
>>      but it could be useful in other contexts).
>> Where?
> One example that comes to my mind would be Russian texts with lots of
> latin words (loading English and Russian patterns). But that's mostly
> for private use (users would add their own entries to language.dat)
> Mojca

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