[tex-hyphen] how to add hyphenation for a new language?

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 06:29:20 CET 2013


I added Thai and Georgian hyphenation patterns to the repository. With
Thai patterns there are still some problems, but Georgian ones at
least compile (I didn't do any further testing yet). I still need to
implement on-the-fly conversion code, but the patterns can already be
used in pdfTeX by simply loading patterns for pTeX.

The complication with on-the-fly conversion is that existing code
assumes that UTF-8 characters never take more than two bytes and I
need to rewrite some code.

Apart from that the patterns need some licence statement and possibly
more meta information about the patterns (date, ChangeLog/history,
...). I also didn't know what lefthyphenmin/righthyphenmin values to


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