[tex-hyphen] tl2011-pretest: loadhyph-sr-cyrl.tex still not activated by default?
Nikola Lečić
nikola.lecic at anthesphoria.net
Tue Jun 7 14:19:43 CEST 2011
Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com> wrote
in <BANLkTikKeQTN+E00vxpW2zeEmOOfNfwgEA at mail.gmail.com>
on Tue, 7 Jun 2011 00:50:10 +0200:
> However now a semi-serious problem arises. If you try to typeset some
> text in both scripts and if we use hyph-sh-latn + hyph-sr-cyrl then
> you will end up in different hyphenation.
The bigger problem is that hyph-sr-latn and hyph-sr-cyrl differ (and
both make errors). Take a look at this concrete example. This is an
excerpt from my list of hyphenation exceptions for Serbian Cyrillic. I
added a Latin equivalent of every word. This is what you get with
sr-latn and sr-cyrl loaded together. As you can see, Latin version
behaves much better.
At least for the words from this list, there is no difference between
sh-latn and sr-latn.
шта-мпан incorrect
štam-pan correct
на-сто-ја-тељ correct
na-sto-ja-te-lj incorrect
српског incorrect
srp-skog correct
српско incorrect
srp-sko correct
српске incorrect
srp-ske correct
српском incorrect
srp-skom correct
српски incorrect
srp-ski correct
ак-ту-е-лност incorrect
ak-tu-el-nost correct
мо-ра-лни incorrect
mo-ral-ni correct
Ка-рлов-ци incorrect
Kar-lov-ci correct
за-хва-лност incorrect
za-hval-nost correct
по-ма-њка-ње incorrect
po-manj-ka-nje correct
Пса-лтир incorrect
Psal-tir correct
ин-те-рвју incorrect
in-ter-vju correct
ко-нвен-ци-је incorrect
kon-ven-ci-je correct
ку-лтур-ног incorrect
kul-tur-nog correct
шта-мпа-ње incorrect
štam-pa-nje correct
ба-њски incorrect
banj-ski correct
шта-мпа-ри-ја incorrect
štam-pa-ri-ja correct
ре-а-лка incorrect
re-al-ka correct
шко-лство incorrect
škol-stvo correct
би-лтен incorrect
bil-ten correct
су-мња-ти incorrect
sum-nja-ti correct
су-мња incorrect
sum-nja correct
> This might have been another reason why the serbian hyphenation
> patterns were disabled. I simply have no idea which ones should be
> included and why one set of patterns would be better than the other. I
> would prefer if we would either create hyph-sr-latn (transliteration
> from hyph-sr-cyrl) or include hyph-sh-latn+hyph-sh-cyrl.
I hope that the above example might be helpful.
> (We can prepare a longer document with hyphenation points colored, so
> that one could compare differences between hyph-sr-cyrl and
> hyph-sh-cyrl, but I'm not qualified to judge about differences and
> which ones are right or wrong.)
Please do. That would be great.
Best wishes,
Nikola Lečić = Никола Лечић
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