[tex-hyphen] new upload to CTAN
Takayuki YATO (ZR)
zrbabbler at yahoo.co.jp
Sun Jan 16 09:49:59 CET 2011
Hello all,
I investigated which hyphenation pattern Babel would use for each
language option listed in babel.sty, on the artificial settings
where every pattern name (including synonyms) listed in language.XXX
has a distinct \language value (ie. if 'bahasa' and 'indonesian'
were different patterns then which one would 'bahasa' langauge
option choose?). I did the test for both language.ptx and
language.dat lists.
# NB: The set of "all the hyphenation pattern names", "all the valid
# language option names of Babel" and "all the names of ldf files
# provided by Babel" are all-distinct.
The languages for which the results differ is as follows (the full
list is attached)
Language language.ptx language.dat
australian australian british
bahasa bahasa indonesian
indonesian bahasa indonesian
indon bahasa indonesian
bahasai bahasa indonesian
malay bahasa indonesian
meyalu bahasa indonesian
bahasam bahasa indonesian
canadian canadian american
magyar magyar hungarian
newzealand newzealand british
samin samin english
kurmanji english kurmanji
As for the languages but last two, the two pattern names
resulted from the two settings are synonymous in language.ptx.
As is already argued in this ML, the patttern for language
"samin" is in fact absent in either setting. The pattern
"kurmanji" is a real addition and simply favorable.
As a consequence, there will be nothing bad happening,
even if a user is using weird language options names
such as "canadian".
Best regards,
Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
Tak Yato (Takayuki YATO; aka. ZR)
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