[tex-hyphen] weighting hyphenation points

Jörg Knappen jknappen at web.de
Wed May 26 10:08:25 CEST 2010

Taco wrote:

>Stephan Hennig wrote:
>>>     A) word compounds  - penalty -20 (e.g.)
>> Don't negative penalties encourage line breaks?  No hyphenation is still 
>> better than compound word hyphenation, no?
>Yes, but all word compounds are also in the regular patterns, which
>raises their penalties values to above zero.

As an partial answer to Stefan Hennig's comment: There are (existing and documented in the typographical literature)
situations where no hyphenation is worse than some hyphenation. In german typesetting this applies to \emph{Rauhsatz}
which is a kind of flushleft-raggedright typesetting. Because german words tend to be long, hyphenation at preferred 
hyphenation points is much better than no hyphenation at all. 

--J"org Knappen
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