[tex-hyphen] Lao Word Wrapping

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Mon May 3 17:46:47 CEST 2010

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 06:53, Brian Wilson wrote:
> It seems that I may have reinvented the wheel (and created an inferior
> model.)
> For a pdf explanation of Lao syllabification check this link
> http://www.tcllab.org/events/uploads/valaxay-lao.pdf
> Thank you,
> Brian Wilson

Thanks a lot for the link.

I would not dare to create patterns myself (I would need to study the
letters, their encoding and rules into deeper detail and install the
appropriate fonts), but my suggestion would be ...

1.) Do you know how the hyphenation algorithm works? If you want, I
can send you some links and some material that I have on my computer.

2.) Your example calls for rule-based patterns.

Here are some examples of how such patterns are being generated (they
are only of help once you understand what's under point "1"):




They all start wih something like ...
# h is not here.
consonants=%w{b c d f g j k l m n ñ p q r s t v w x y z}
# Open vowels: a e o
vop=%w{a e o}
# Closed vowels: i u
vcl=%w{i u}

Maybe Arthur would be interested in exotic scripts, but it's best if
you do a headstart and start with a few simple patterns and then we
can help you when reach a step when you won't know how to proceed.


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