[tex-hyphen] Fwd: Polyglossia + Serbian Cyrillic hyphenation

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 13:50:54 CEST 2010

2010/7/25 François Charette wrote:
>  Hello Mojca and Arthur,
> I am forwarding below a message I just received from a Serbian user of
> polyglossia.

I'm very happy that we now finally have some Serbian "advocates". When
we had to deal with issues related to Serbian in 2008, there was
nobody around to give any feedback about current usage patterns of TeX
in Serbia (until 2008 TL was using Cyrillic patterns with Latin

> In TeX Live 2010, language.dat (still) contains the lines:
>> % from hyphen-serbian:
>> serbian loadhyph-sr-latn.tex
> Nikola however tells me that changing the last line to
>> serbian loadhyph-sr-latn.tex loadhyph-sr-cyrl.tex
> works well and should be simultaneously activated by default.

The main problem is with Babel. If we do that then Babel will load T2A
and T1 patterns at the same time and will most probably produce
disastrous results. If we want to load both patterns simultaneously in
XeLaTeX, I would suggest to implement that in Polyglossia, not in
language.dat, else we need to split language.dat (one copy for babel
and one for Polyglossia).

At the moment one has option [script=Latin] and [script=Cyrillic] in
Polyglossia, maybe one could also have an option [script=All] or
script=Both or something similar ... but at the end one needs to
enable proper labels anyway (one either has labels in Latin or
Cyrillic, probably not both of them mixed with each other).

In case of mixed-script document there needs to be a way to easily
switch between both patterns (it would be nice if we would document
that in hyph-utf8 documentation), but even if we want to load both
patterns at the same time, I still think that it would be much cleaner
if Polyglossia takes care of combining them.

Answering Karl about loadhyph-sr.tex: sure, we can do that, but then
we also need to create a new language in language.dat. We could have:
- serbianc
- serbianl
- serbian (loading both)
but then we would also need to patch Babel. François, can you patch
Polyglossia in such a way that it will use two languages


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