[tex-hyphen] tex patterns as lua files

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Apr 28 00:38:41 CEST 2010

    patterns/txt  (or data or plaintext or raw or ...)

txt seems like a nice choice here.

    > 1.) Which patterns should be default for any other program
    > (javascript, perl etc.) outside of TeX?
    I guess it's usenglishmax. 

I don't disagree exactly, but what "other programs" are we talking
about?  Or are you talking about use of our patterns in completely
different programs (e.g., FOP)?

    The question is only whether we should duplicate hyphen.tex

Whether you duplicate hyphen.tex in your repository is a matter for your
convenience.  In TeX Live, I think hyphen.tex should remain as part of
hyphen-base.  So if you include it, we'll just remove it when importing
into TL (which is no problem to do).

    So again something for Karl: what's the best place for the following file?

Since the filenames are unique (....lua) it doesn't seem to matter much.
tex/generic/hyph-utf8/luatex/* maybe?  Manuel?

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