[tex-hyphen] A Hyphenation Query

vafa at aol.com.au vafa at aol.com.au
Wed Nov 19 03:48:58 CET 2008

On page 450 of TeXBook, Donald Knuth says ``The interletter values in these patterns are all between 0 and 5; a large odd value like 5 forces desirable hyphen points while a large even value like 4 suppresses undesireable hyphens''

In the pattern that I want to write, I want to have like 5ZWNJ5 (break before and after ZWNJ) and I also want to break after non-joinder persian alphabets so something like ``non-joiner alphabet1'' where non-joiner alphabet denotes any non-joiner Persian alphabet. I thought this is a suitable way to do it because if any word contains ZWNJ and a non-joiner alphabet, then the word will be broken after ZWNJ since ZWNJ has value 5, but it turned out that my assumption was wrong and the word would break depending on where of the end of the line it is.

So does this mean that I have toconsider all possible patterns that include ZWNJ and any non-joiner persian alphabet where I put 5 after ZWNJ and 4 after or before any non-joiner alphabet? or there is an easier approach?
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