[tex-hyphen] german hyphenation patterns

Stephan Hennig mailing_list at arcor.de
Fri May 30 16:32:36 CEST 2008

Werner LEMBERG schrieb:
>> > compatible with the old ones?  Will they be ready within a week or
>> > two (at most)?
> I can generate them (both old and new orthography) within 30 minutes.
>> > Is DANTE (Volker, Klaus, etc.) and the rest of the large German
>> > TeX community aware of this effort?
> Yes.

There have been three articles in DTK (without much response, though).

>> The changing of linebreaks should only occur to the better, but
>> still we must consider running parallel for some time.
> Yes, probably using a small macro package which switches to a new
> hyphenation languages.

Please do not pollute babel's name space with a good name, e.g., I'd
propose german-wl and ngerman-wl.  I see a demand for babel being able
to handle evolving hyphenation patterns, since patterns can never be
safely declared error-free and therefore should never be frozen, but
instead considered under constant evolution.  The challenge is to
provide means to enable constant paragraph breaking in documents over
years under these circumstances.  I'll soon send a proposal here (which
will be slightly different from the one posted at dante-ev list).

For that reason, I think Werner's hyphenation patterns should be added
to TeX Live to make them available to a larger audience for testing.
But no replacement of German hyphenation patterns now.

Best regards,
Stephan Hennig

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