[tex-hyphen] Some cross-tests with existing (ConTeXt) patterns

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 00:16:55 CEST 2008

Hello Hans,

as a thank-you for your scripts, here are some of the results from
cross-comparison with your patterns (where they exist).

For Taco - we now have
http://www.tug.org/svn/texhyphen/trunk/tests/pat & hyp (location may
change), both auto-generated, so if some need to use them occurs, it's
no problem to add those files to the package.


* Different patterns (we need to check why):

c/lang-agr.pat - different (probably due to transition to version 5,
but there may be other differences)
c/lang-es.pat - incompatible patterns
c/lang-et.pat - incompatible patterns
c/lang-ro.pat - incompatible patterns

* Only a bit different patterns:

c/lang-it.pat - minor differences (3 lines or so)

* Bug in ctxtools:

c/lang-cz.pat - mostly ok, but patterns in ConTeXt are broken towards
the end of file; and should be renamed
c/lang-da.pat - mostly ok, patterns from "special" are missing
c/lang-fr.pat - mostly ok, a bug reported some time ago
c/lang-is.pat - empty file?
c/lang-la.pat - some differences + minor bug (same as in French)

* Results OK

c/lang-ba.pat - equal, should be renamed to eu

c/lang-ca.pat - OK
c/lang-cy.pat - OK
c/lang-fi.pat - OK
c/lang-hr.pat - OK
c/lang-hu.pat - OK
c/lang-nl.pat - OK
c/lang-pl.pat - OK
c/lang-pt.pat - OK
c/lang-ru.pat - OK
c/lang-sk.pat - OK
c/lang-sl.pat - OK
c/lang-sv.pat - OK
c/lang-tr.pat - OK

* Did not check:



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