[tex-hyphen] Serbian (Serbo-Croation) hyphenation patterns.

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 15:03:21 CEST 2008

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 09:11:26AM +0200, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> One question: are these sources a secret? Maybe you can make some
>> stricter licence for those, but it would be nice to store the sources
>> somewhere. Unless you really want to hide them from possible
>> commercial users (that's the case with Slovenian list of words).
> No, they're not a secret though they have never been published.
> It's a bunch of preprocessor (cpp) and awk and some really strange
> looking files. And they are almost 20 years old. So, I guess that
> I'd have to clean them up a bit for publication.

You definitely can try, but you don't need to. It's not about
publicising them officialy on a big desk, it's only about adding the
source to SVN repository, so that if anyone would want to start using
them ...

I helps if you check what you have and document that a bit, but if the
only excuse would be "no time", you can commit the sources as they

>> I have a little request in this particular case. I would prefer it
>> much more if you could send me the two files, and I will put them into
>> the svn repository (they need to be UTF-8 encoded, no tex control
>> sequences, no catcode changes, no grouping, no messages ... only
>> comments, \patterns{...} and \hyphenation{...}).
> OK. There used to be a checksum field. Is that still needed?

I don't know where you took all those fields from, but I don't use
checksum anywhere, and I don't know many TeX files using checksums,
esp. not in the source itself (isn't that chicken-and-hen problem? if
you calculate checksum, you cannot write it to file itself, since once
you change the file (checksum in file), the checksum of th emodified
file will change again?).

Some file have no comments at all, but it would be nice to unify
comments, at least the new ones.

>> That's quite possible, but there are no files on TeX Live, I guess not
>> even on CTAN.
>> I've seen some conversations in forums saying something like: "take
>> this file from here and do this and that ..."
>> I forgot the exact details, but people were complaining that
>> distributions do not support cyrillic script.
> Right. I'll see what I can do. I suppose that it shouldn't be a
> biggie.


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