[tex-eplain] multiple alignment within a math display

Stepan Kasal kasal at ucw.cz
Sat Jan 14 17:49:33 CET 2006


On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 12:46:49PM +0100, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> I wonder how all of you handle the problem
> of multiple alignments within a math display.

in a journal format based on plain, we use variants of the
AMSTeX macros \align, \alignat, and such.  If you want to align
equations in two columns, you write:

x&=1 & a&=5 \cr
y&=2 & b&=3 \cr

(\alignat n  uses 2*n columns)

The macros are taken from amstex.tex or its predecessor vanilla.sty.

Here is an example:
\def\ralign@#1\endalign{\displ at y\Let@\tabskip\centering\halign to\displaywidth
\def\lalign@#1\endalign{\displ at y\Let@\tabskip\centering\halign to\displaywidth

But current versions, including the definition of \alignat we use is much
longer.  I'm afraid you have to study amstex.tex.  You have to expand their
shortcats, like \RIfMIfI@, bot that's nothing impossible.

Have a nice day,
	Stepan Kasal

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