[tex-eplain] \definexref problem

Adam Fenn acwfenn at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 2 14:11:01 CET 2005

I made a slight modification to Oleg's suggestion:


    \readauxfile % make sure the xrefs are loaded
    \expandafter \ifx\csname\xrlabel{#1}\endcsname\relax % no marker defined
      \global\expandafter\let\csname\xrlabel{#1}\endcsname\empty % define it
      \csname\xrlabel{#1:long}\endcsname % produce the long ref
    \else % the marker already defined
      \csname\xrlabel{#1:short}\endcsname % produce the short ref

{first book (long reference)}
{first book (short ref)}

{article in \xrefn{firstbookfull}}
{article (short ref)}

\bookref{firstbook} % a long first reference

\bookref{firstbook} % a short second reference

\bookref{article} % a long reference to article in first book

\bookref{article} % a short reference

This worked, but when I changed over to eplain 3.0 (from 2.8.4) I get

! Undefined control sequence.
\@optionaltemp ...ingroup \def \extension
                                          {#1}\immediate \openin 0 = ...
\@getoptionalarg #1->\let \@optionaltemp =
                                           #1\let \@optionalnext = \r...
<argument> article in \xrefn
\definexref ...g \@definelabel {\temp }{#2
                                          }{#3}}}\@wr \ignorespaces
\book #1#2#3->\definexref {#3:long}{#1}{}
                                         \definexref {#3:short}{#2}{}...
l.31 {article}

Is this a bug? and if not why does it work with the earlier version and not 
the latest?

Adam Fenn.

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