[tex-eplain] Patch to add encapsulation support with index range terms

geolsoft at mail.ru geolsoft at mail.ru
Thu Mar 31 13:49:19 CEST 2005

Dear list members,

I noticed that there is one feature supported by MakeIndex
which cannot be accessed thru eplain's indexing macros.

According to makeindex(1), the following construction is


However, when I say \sidx[begin,pagemarkup=bold]{alpha}, I
get something like


While this actually IS illegal according to eplain's
documentation, it seems trivial to add this functionality to
eplain (see the attached patch).

In case this patch gets accepted, a change in the
documentation would be needed, as currently it states that
only one of


is allowed, but after the patch, `pagemarkup' can go along
with `begin'.

And one more thing:  would it be a good idea to add a note
to the documentation that `raw' entries can be specified in
\sidx, e.g., that it is possible to get subsubentries by

    \sidx{Differential equation!linear!homogeneous}


Best regards,
Oleg Katsitadze
-------------- next part --------------
--- xeplain.tex.orig	2005-03-31 12:59:25.000000000 +0300
+++ xeplain.tex	2005-03-31 13:24:58.000000000 +0300
@@ -1995,7 +1995,8 @@
 % \@finfinidxtokscollect{PAGENO} writes \@indexentry for page PAGENO.
 % Besides \@indexentry, if \@idxpagemarkup is not \relax we output an
-% index entry \@indexentry|\@idxpagemarkup{PAGENO}.  And if
+% index entry \@indexentry|\@idxpagemarkup{PAGENO} (omitting | if this
+% is a range term).  And if
 % \@idxseenterm is not \relax we output {\@idxseenterm} after the
 % \@idxpagemarkup.  (This will become an argument to the ``markup''
 % command, which will be \indexsee or \indexseealso.)
@@ -2004,7 +2005,14 @@
   % If we've got a page markup command, append it.
   \ifx\@idxpagemarkup\relax \else
     \toks@ = \expandafter{\@indexentry}%
-    \edef\@indexentry{\the\toks@ \idxencapoperator \@idxpagemarkup}%
+    % If this is a range term we omit \idxencapoperator because
+    % it was already inserted with \@idxrangestr
+    \edef\@indexentry{%
+      \the\toks@
+      \ifx\@idxrangestr\empty
+        \idxencapoperator
+      \fi
+      \@idxpagemarkup}%
     \let\@idxpagemarkup = \relax

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