[tex-eplain] Can't figure out this error

Arctic Fidelity af at sacrificumdeo.net
Wed Aug 24 18:22:44 CEST 2005

Hey all,

I have run into a little problem that I cannot seem to figure out. If
you all could help me debug this simple error, that would be great. I
get this error all the time, so I assume that there is something wrong
with the way I'm coding this.

What I have is all this data in a very static format, and I want to put
it all in using one simple command. I am pretty inexperienced about how
this all works, but this is what I have designed so far.

I never have quite understood how this stuff all works, as I get this
kind of error all the time, so I assume I'm doing something consistently
that is against the rules.

--begin code--
  \bigskip{\tooltitlefont #1}
  \smallskip{\toolmaker #2}
  \medskip{\toolurl #3}
  \loop \ifnum{\count10}{>}{0} \star \repeat
  Initial Cost of Purchase: #5\par
  Estimated Cost of Use: #6\medskip
\title{Testing this Title}
\inserttool{Test Tool}
		   {Test Maker}
		   {Test URL}
		   {This is the description that we think is pretty cool.}
--end code--

--begin error--
This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4)
entering extended mode
(sectools.tex (C:\texmf\tex\eplain\eplain.tex)
Runaway argument?
\bigskip {\tooltitlefont Test Tool} \smallskip {\toolmaker Test Maker\ETC.
! Paragraph ended before \@eateol was complete.
<to be read again>
\inserttool ...p Initial Cost of Purchase: #5\par
                                                  Estimated Cost of Use: #6\...
l.38 ...description that we think is pretty cool.}

--end error--

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- Aaron Hsu
Extend beyond the Mortal...Sacrificum Deo: http://www.sacrificumdeo.net

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