[tex-eplain] Homepage has wrong pointer..
Fri, 2 Feb 2001 13:12:43 -0500
It looks like the archiving of tex-eplain@tug.org is broken
Try http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-eplain/ for current archives. I'll try
to set up some kind of aliasing so the other mail archive url's will continue
to work.
I've sent a message to Denis
Girou (mentioned on the tug.org lwgate as the contact)
to see what's wrong.
We switched to mailman, no more lwgate. Denis is off the hook :).
I've recently put eplain 2.8.1 on CTAN.
So then we should remove it from tug.org ftp, if the canonical source is
on ctan now?
the situation is unacceptable.
What's unacceptable? I didn't see any of these messages.