[tex-eplain] Indexing limitations

john@wexfordpress.net john@wexfordpress.net
1 Feb 2001 15:47:14 -0800

There are a few limitation on the indexing capability that bug me. First, the indexing feature does not handle three level indexes. There are times when this would be useful. Also, not all forms of the idx command allow for subitems. The suite should include:
idx with subitem
idxmarked with subitem
sidx with subiterm
sidxmarked with subitem

and so on.  On one of these (I think it was idxmarked with subterm) the subterm simply disappears. 

I have looked at the source but it is well beyond my fiddling talents to hack. Perhaps someone can offer a patch to take care of this?

John Culleton

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