[tex-announce] Sep19 TUG news: upcoming tugboat, book review, llmk, meetings, ctan

TeX Users Group tug-news at tug.org
Fri Oct 4 00:08:44 CEST 2019

Dear TeXers

August is behind us. The new school year has started in many schools and
universities - probably a good time to introduce the joy of TeX to your
students or classmates (https://tug.org/begin.html). Many new TeX users
get acquainted with it in an academic environment, often through their
teachers or peers.

In that vein, the deadline for articles for the next regular issue of
the TUGboat journal (https://tug.org/TUGboat) is September 30. See
https://tug.org/TUGboat/location.html for author tips, an article
template, and more. We look forward to all submissions.

I am glad to report that one of the projects funded by our development
fund is completed: Takuta Asakuro's llmk (The Light LaTeX Make,
https://github.com/wtsnjp/llmk). Applications for the devfund are
accepted at any time - there is no deadline. Please consult
https://tug.org/tc/devfund/ for details. On the other hand, if you want
to help TeX-related development, but do not have time to spare, you may
want to donate to the fund - or to the general TUG fund - at

The next TeX events are the 13th ConTeXt Meeting in Belgium, September
16-21 (https://meeting.contextgarden.net/), and GuIT 2019, Turin,
October 26 (https://www.guitex.org/home/meeting).  The latter is the
${2^{2^2}}^\text{th}$ meeting of the Italian TeX Users group, celebrating
Claudio Beccari's 80th birthday.

A new book review is available at https://tug.org/books -- of Nancy
Stock-Allen's biography of noted typeface designer Carol Twombly,
designer of Lithos, Charlemagne, Trajan, and Adobe Caslon. She was also
one of the graduate students at Stanford during the years of Knuth's
digital typography research, which the book goes into in detail.

Finally, the new packages on CTAN (https://ctan.org) this monthinclude:

- clojure-pamphlet, literate programming based on clojure's pamphlet system
- csvmerge, merge TeX code with csv data
- ddphonism, a LaTeX package for twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams et al.
- glosmathtools, mathematical glossary tools
- matrix-skeleton, PGF/TikZ support to simplify handling multiple matrix nodes
- quantumarticle, document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
- tokcycle, build tools to process tokens from an input stream token by token
- UniFiTh, a class to typeset theses for University of Florence (Italy)
- zblbuild, help with the choice of a BibLaTeX style and options

Happy TeXing!

Boris Veytsman (TUG president - https://tug.org)

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