[tex-announce] Mar17 TUG news: voting, conferences, membership, book reviews

TeX Users Group tug-news at tug.org
Fri Mar 10 00:15:12 CET 2017

Fellow TeX-ers,

1) Please vote in the TUG Board elections.

The candidates, along with their candidate statements are at
http://tug.org/election.  Also on that page are the election
procedures. I urge you to vote electronically, following the link and
instructions given on that page.

Voting closes on April 9, at the end of the day in UTC.

2) As mentioned last time, there was one candidate for President, Boris
Veytsman, so he will be our next President.  Congratulations, Boris!  He
will take office with the start of the 2017 TUG annual conference.

3) And that conference is fast approaching.  Our meeting will be April
29-May 3, 2017, in conjunction with the Polish TeX group GUST at the
annual BachoTeX conference. The latest information is at

If you are planning to go, please read "Things you always wanted to
know about Bachotek" at http://tug.org/tug2017/bachotex.html.

3) Also approaching fast is the 11th ConTeXt meeting.  It will be at
Butzbach-Maibach, Germany, on September 11-17, 2017.  This meeting
will give ConTeXt and LuaTeX developers and users the chance to
present results, experiences, and ideas on future development. The
talks will be followed by tutorials on ConTeXt and LuaTeX techniques.
See http://meeting.contextgarden.net/2017/.

4) The next TUGboat is a regular issue, 38:1.  It is in preparation and
should arrive in members' mailboxes sometime in April.

Issue 38:2 will be the BachoTeX/TUG'17 proceedings issue, with a
deadline of May 12, 2017.  The next regular issue is 38:3.
Submissions for this issue are due by September 1, 2017.  All articles
are welcome but particularly of interest are survey or introductory

5) Dave Walden has returned to his series of interviews and the 
latest subject is Scott Pakin.  As always, it is a wonderful conversation
with a great subject.  See http://tug.org/interviews/pakin.html. 

6) TUG, like with many other scientific and technical organizations,
is likely to feel a great impact from the US administration's proposed
travel ban.  The Board has adopted the following statement, a copy of
which appears on the front page of http://tug.org/.

"Since its inception, the TeX typesetting system has always had a
special relationship with the American Mathematical Society, one of
the earliest supporters of Donald Knuth's typography research, support
which continues to the present day. Consistent with this tradition,
the Board of the TeX Users Group supports the statement of the AMS
Board of Trustees opposing the US Executive Order on Immigration."

Happy TeXing,
Jim Hefferon, for the TUG Board

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