[pstricks] [pst-eucl] add a parameter 'MarkAngleType' to mark angle with double or triple arcs as we can do in `eukleides', can you approve this change?

廖雄飞 liaofei1128 at 163.com
Mon Aug 19 13:13:57 CEST 2019

    I add a parameter 'MarkAngleType' to mark angle with double or triple arcs as we can do in `eukleides', can you approve this change?

following is my patch:
diff --git a/pst-eucl/pst-eucl-v1.64.tex b/pst-eucl/pst-eucl-v1.64.tex
index 1baee98..ebf7170 100755
--- a/pst-eucl/pst-eucl-v1.64.tex
+++ b/pst-eucl/pst-eucl-v1.64.tex
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
 \define at key[psset]{pst-eucl}{RightAngleType}[default]{\edef\psk at RightAngleType{#1}}%
 % radius of an angle mark
 \define at key[psset]{pst-eucl}{MarkAngleRadius}[0.4]{\edef\psk at MarkAngleRadius{#1}}%
+\define at key[psset]{pst-eucl}{MarkAngleType}[default]{\edef\psk at MarkAngleType{#1}}%
 % angular offset position of the label for marking an angle
 \define at key[psset]{pst-eucl}{LabelAngleOffset}[0]{\edef\psk at LabelAngleOffset{#1}}%
 % position radius of the label for marking an angle
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
   PosAngleB=undef, PosAngleC=undef, Mark=undef, mark=undef,SegmentSymbol=MarkHashh,
   SegmentSymbolA=MarkHashh, SegmentSymbolB=MarkHash, SegmentSymbolC=MarkHashhh,
   RightAngleSize=.4, RightAngleType=default, LabelAngleOffset=0, LabelSep=1,
-  LabelRefPt=c, MarkAngle=undef, MarkAngleRadius=.4, HomCoef=.5, RotAngle=60,
+  LabelRefPt=c, MarkAngle=undef, MarkAngleType=default, MarkAngleRadius=.4, HomCoef=.5, RotAngle=60,
   CurveType=none, TransformLabel=none, Central at Sym=false, DrawCirABC=true,
   CodeFig=false, CodeFigColor=cyan, CodeFigStyle=dashed, CodeFigA=undef,
   CodeFigB=undef, CodeFigAarc=true, CodeFigBarc=true, Radius=none, RadiusA=undef,
@@ -169,6 +170,8 @@
@@ -458,7 +461,18 @@
-    \psarc[fillstyle=none](0,0){\psk at MarkAngleRadius}{(#2)}{(#4)}%
+    \ifx\psk at MarkAngleType\@default
+        \psarc[fillstyle=none](0,0){\psk at MarkAngleRadius}{(#2)}{(#4)}%
+    \else
+        \ifx\psk at MarkAngleType\@double
+            \psarc[fillstyle=none](0,0){\psk at MarkAngleRadius}{(#2)}{(#4)}%
+            \psarc[fillstyle=none](0,0){! \psk at MarkAngleRadius\space 0.85 mul}{(#2)}{(#4)}%
+        \else
+            \ifx\psk at MarkAngleType\@triple
+                \psarc[fillstyle=none](0,0){\psk at MarkAngleRadius}{(#2)}{(#4)}%
+                \psarc[fillstyle=none](0,0){! \psk at MarkAngleRadius\space 0.85 mul}{(#2)}{(#4)}%
+                \psarc[fillstyle=none](0,0){! \psk at MarkAngleRadius\space 0.70 mul}{(#2)}{(#4)}%
+    \fi\fi\fi
     \rput[\psk at LabelRefPt]{*0}(! tx at EcldDict begin
         /N@#4 GetNode exch Atan /N@#2 GetNode exch Atan end
         2 copy lt { exch 360 sub exch } if

here is an example:




and here is the output:
| |
liaofei1128 at 163.com
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