[pstricks] xelatex and pstricks

Poul Riis poul.riis at skolekom.dk
Fri Apr 26 07:25:51 CEST 2019

When running xdvipdfmx zzz2.xdv (version 20190225) I get (as mentioned
Image format conversion for PSTricks failed.
Interpreting special command pst: (ps:) failed.
Doesn't this information tell something about what's wrong?
Does xdvipdfmx make calls to other programs? If yes, which ones?
Would it be an idea to try older versions of xdvipdfmx? My project has
been working earlier.
Am I right to say that as long as this doesn't work my xelatex project
won't work neither?

Poul Riis

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