[pstricks] xelatex and pstricks

Poul Riis poul.riis at skolekom.dk
Wed Apr 24 07:57:44 CEST 2019

When using the babyloniannum package one has to compile with xelatex.
Some time ago, this worked perfectly also when I included some pstricks
but that's not the case any more - I get empty figures!?
I tried several versions of the compiler command, for instance
xelatex.exe -shell-escape -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E -V 7" -synctex=1

I also tried to include
but that doesn't help either.

Below you can find a minimal example.

What can I do to make it work again?

Poul Riis


\section*{Babyloniannum and pstricks}
Some babylonian numbers:\\
$\babyloniannum{1}$, $\babyloniannum{10}$, $\babyloniannum{100}$\\
Some pstricks:\\

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