[pstricks] multido controlled by postscript variables

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Thu Jan 25 18:48:12 CET 2018

Am 25.01.2018 um 15:21 schrieb Poul Riis:
> *Graphics with PSTricks <pstricks at tug.org <mailto:pstricks at tug.org>> 
> writes:*
> \def\nxmax{5}
> OK - thanks. To me it would be highly desirable if*all *parameters could 
> be transferable from postscript to pstricks commands.
> In the project below I would like to replace \prim with \primminusone in 
> the red line. But when doing so I get an empty table. Why? And how can I 
> make it work?



- 1)}

   \rput(!#1 2 div 2){\huge\fcolorbox{Red1}{Gold1}{$a\cdot b \mod \prim$}}
   \psline[linecolor=blue](-0.75,-0.25)(\prim, -0.25)
   	\rput(!\nh\space 0.2 add 0.2){\textcolor{blue}{\nh}}
   	\rput(!0 \nh\space neg){\textcolor{red}{\nh}}
       \rput(!\nh\space 0.2 add 1 neg \ng\space


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