[pstricks] listplot

Alexander Grahn A.Grahn at hzdr.de
Mon Jul 3 12:03:07 CEST 2017


On Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 10:56:07AM +0200, Poul Riis wrote:
>And reminding on my more general question: How can I store the points from
>the data file in an array so that I can later refer to the (postscript)
>coordinates of point nr. i?

to store the sixth data point from \data into the postscript object
/sixth you may proceed as follows:

    1 dict begin
      /i 5 def     %array indices are  zero based
      /D {} def    %locally neutralise data separator `D'
      [\data] [ exch dup
      i 2 mul get exch i 2 mul 1 add get ]
    /sixth exch def
    sixth == %print to terminal


>Poul Riis

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