[pstricks] Replacing \psdots with \pscircle

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Thu Dec 1 15:33:56 CET 2016

Am 01.12.2016 um 14:34 schrieb Shailesh Shirali:

> I am writing an ebook on precalculus topics. My publisher, on seeing the
> draft PDF, has told me that there is a difficulty with Type 3 fonts
> (with regard to their resolution on tablet screens). I quote from their
> email:
> /"Type 3 fonts are special in the sense that they are not limited to the
> restrictions placed on Type 1 fonts and can contain more postscript
> commands. In Type 3 fonts the character shapes are defined using
> ordinary PostScript language routines, so they are easy to create. Type
> 3 fonts are also more flexible in their definition as a result./
> /
> /
> /In your document all Type 3 fonts are embedded./
> /
> /
> /When looking at your pdf I noticed that all references to Type 3 fonts
> consisted of 2 glyphs, /Circle and /Bullet (I could find where they were
> defined but I could not identify where they were used)./

/Circle and /Bullet are defined "on the fly" when loading pstricks.
There definitions can be seen in pst-dots.pro. For example
for /Bullet

   /CirclePath {0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath} def
   /Bullet {CirclePath fill} def

It is _absoluteley_ no problem to use this internal defined
type 3 font, also known as a softfont, because it doesn't
use any special PostScript command and it is a vector font
just like other Type 1 fonts.

> /I moved backwards in the chain looking at the ps file used to make the
> pdf for more clues.  I noticed in the compiled postscript from the DVI
> file that the pstricks package you have used in your sources is most
> likely where the difficulty has occurred./
> /
> /
> /Reading this
> (/https://ergodicity.net/2006/09/27/pstricks-and-type-3-fonts/
> <https://ergodicity.net/2006/09/27/pstricks-and-type-3-fonts/>/) article
> I came to the conclusion that replacing \psdots with \pscircle may help
> to eliminate this problem./
> Could you please let me know whether this is feasible at all (replacing
> \psdots with \pscircle)? I have my doubts because the number of
> arguments in the two macros is not the same.

It is a problem with the software of the pre-press PDF validity checker!


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