[pstricks] PSTricks Digest, Vol 164, Issue 3

Germain Boyer germain.boyer at ac-toulouse.fr
Sat Oct 29 18:34:00 CEST 2016

Thanks Herbert for your answer.

It works correctly.

I do a modification to use the possibility of arrows.


\def\psdotsx{\@ifnextchar[{\psdotsx at i}{\psdotsx at i[]}}
\def\psdotsx at i[#1](#2){%
\def\psdotsx at para{#1}
    \psset{#1}\psdotsx at ii(#2)%
}% end of  \def\psdotsx at i
    \def\psdotsx at ii(#1){%
    \pnode(#1){thenode}\psdotsx at iii%
    \@ifnextchar({\psdotsx at ii}{\endgroup}
}% end of  \def\psdotsx at ii
\def\psdotsx at iii{%
    \pnode([nodesep=1.5mm,angle=45,\psdotsx at para]thenode){thenodea}%
   \multido{\ia=0+90 , \ib=1+1}{4}{%
}% end of \multido
}% end of  \def\psdotsx at iii

% examples :
%    \SpecialCoor
%     \psdotsx[nodesep=2mm,angle=45](P)
%      \psdotsx[nodesep=2mm](1,3)
%       \psdotsx[angle=30](2;45)

With the same idea i write (with your great help) the macro \psdotsl


\def\psdotsl{\@ifnextchar[{\psdotsl at i}{\psdotsl at i[]}}
\def\psdotsl at i[#1](#2){\def\psdotsl at para{#1}
    \psset{#1}\psdotsl at ii(#2)}
    \def\psdotsl at ii(#1){%
    \pnode(#1){thenode}\psdotsl at iii%
    \@ifnextchar({\psdotsl at ii}{\endgroup}
}% fin de \newcommand
\def\psdotsl at iii{%
    \pnode([nodesep=1.5mm,angle=90,\psdotsl at para]thenode){thenodea}%
   \multido{\ia=0+180 , \ib=1+1}{2}{%
}% fin du \multido
}% fin de \newcommand


This is my pspicture with the new macros

\def\xmin{-9.6} \def\xmax{150.6} \def\ymin{-9.6} \def\ymax{200.6}
\psset{gridlabels=0pt , gridwidth=0.4pt , gridcolor=gray , subgriddiv=1}

Now i can use \psdotsx and \psdotsl with the coordonates of the picture.


Is it possible to add \psdotsx and \psdotsl to pstricks-add ? So other  
people can use them.


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