[pstricks] help for writing a macro

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Sat Oct 29 10:03:08 CEST 2016

Am 28.10.2016 um 19:41 schrieb Germain Boyer:

> There is a little problem when xunit and yunit are different.
> The solution is changing the unit in the argument and changing the
> coordinates of the point like in this example :

Use it this way:


\def\psdotsx{\@ifnextchar[{\psdotsx at i}{\psdotsx at i[]}}
\def\psdotsx at i[#1](#2){%
   \def\psdotsx at para{#1}
   \psset{#1}\psdotsx at ii(#2)%
}% end of  \def\psdotsx at i
\def\psdotsx at ii(#1){%
   \pnode(#1){thenode}\psdotsx at iii
   \@ifnextchar({\psdotsx at ii}{\endgroup}
}% end of  \def\psdotsx at ii
\def\psdotsx at iii{%
   \pnode([nodesep=1.5mm,angle=45,\psdotsx at para]thenode){thenodea}%
   \multido{\ia=0+90 , \ib=1+1}{4}{%
   }% end of \multido
}% end of  \def\psdotsx at iii
%\def\xmin{-9.6} \def\xmax{150.6} \def\ymin{-9.6} \def\ymax{200.6}
\psaxes[linewidth=1pt,xticksize=0 200,yticksize=0 150,tickcolor=black!20,
   (! 20 \space 3.5 2 div)%
   (! 43\space 20.5 2 div)%
   (! 62 \space 35.9 2 div)%
   (! 80 \space 67.8 2 div)%
   (! 98 \space 101.2 2 div)%
   (! 115 \space 135.8 2 div)%
   (! 130 \space 168.5 2 div)%
\psdotsx[angle=45,linewidth=0.75pt](! 20 \space 30 2 div)


only \psRelNode is modified


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