[pstricks] Rv: pst-eucl and double arc option

Pablo González pablgonz at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 04:22:44 CEST 2016

Clearing my previous message (my English is not very good)"does not compile using xelatex"...

Hello everyone, I'm trying to add a few decorations to segments and anlge arcs using the pst-eucl package.
I have managed to add the arrow marks for segments (>, >>, >>>), but I have not had luck with add marks double and triple for angles arcs, without having to be repeating the coomo code I do so far.How do I define the "\MarcArcc" and "\MarcArccc" command or "Mark = double", "Mark = triple"?
or maybe you can add a new option in the package?
This is the file MWE (whit latex>dvips>ps2pdf)

% MarkArrow >
\psset{linestyle=none,veearrowlength=\psMarkHashLength,veearrowangle = 90,veearrowlinewidth=\pslinewidth}%
% MarkArroww >>
\psset{linestyle=none,veearrowlength=\psMarkHashLength,veearrowangle = 90,veearrowlinewidth=\pslinewidth}%
% MarkArrowww >>>
\psset{linestyle=none,veearrowlength=\psMarkHashLength,veearrowangle = 90,veearrowlinewidth=\pslinewidth}%

% nodes
% segments
\pstSegmentMark[SegmentSymbol=MarkArrow]{A}{C} % >
\pstSegmentMark[SegmentSymbol=MarkArroww]{B}{C} % >>
\pstSegmentMark[SegmentSymbol=MarkArrowww]{A}{B} % >>>
% angles
\pstMarkAngle{A}{B}{C}{$\phi$}% normal )
\pstMarkAngle[MarkAngleRadius=0.65]{A}{B}{C}{}% double ))
\pstMarkAngle[MarkAngleRadius=0.60]{A}{B}{C}{}% triple )))
\pstMarkAngle[Mark=MarkHashh,LabelSep=0.45]{B}{C}{A}{$\beta$}% ||
\pstMarkAngle[Mark=MarkHashhh]{C}{A}{B}{$\gamma$}% |||


Besides, does not compile using xelatex, why? (in windows show: GPL Ghostscript 9.19: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1, and disturbing position for MarkHashh).
I'm using TeXLive 2016 (updated) under Windows and Linux.

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