[pstricks] \psxTick(){} and \psyTick(){}

Hubert Lam hubert at lamfamily.info
Wed Jul 6 01:57:26 CEST 2016

Hi all

Has there been anyone who could tame \psxTick and \psyTick to accept some PS commands?

Say for example I wish to place a y-tick at $\frac{\pi}{2}$. At the moment it seems that I have to use a decimal approximation:


But it would be terrific if it could be modified to accept some PS calculatios:

\psyTick(!PI 2 div){\frac{\pi}{2}}

Similarly with fractions, if I want to place an x-tick at $\frac{110}{1230}$ then I would have to use


...whereas it would be terrific if it could accept

\psxTick(!110 1230 div){\frac{11}{1230}}

(Or am I not using it properly?)

Many thanks!

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