[pstricks] pst-rubans and 2d-arrows

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Sat Nov 7 11:06:28 CET 2015

Am 06.11.2015 um 22:16 schrieb Poul Riis:
> 1) How can I get rid of the green arrow at the center in the project
> below? (in fact there is a read arrow behind it)
> 2) How can I put a centered R above the red arrow without specifying
> coordinates - something like \naput[labelsep=0.1,npos=0.5,nrot=:U]{$R$}

> \begin{pspicture}(-5,-5)(5,5)
> \psset{viewpoint=0 50 50,Decran=50}
> \psSpiralRing[r1=4,r0=1,fillcolor=blue,incolor=gray!50,grid,dPHI=0.5,spires=40,resolution=1440]%
> \axesIIID[showOrigin=false,axisnames={},arrows=<->,linecolor=Red1,linewidth=2pt](0,0,0)(4,0,0)

use a simple \pcline:



\psset{viewpoint=0 50 50,Decran=50}


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