[pstricks] change of font and helefetica gridfont

Patrice MÉGRET Patrice.MEGRET at umons.ac.be
Sat Mar 7 15:06:59 CET 2015

Dear Herbert,

I have a trouble with \psgrid : I need to use a text in Helvetica and I thus define the command  \DeclareTextFontCommand{\helvetica}{\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont}
But when I use it, the grid labels disappear.

Here is the example:
\textsf{texte} texte


If I try a simpler example:
\textsf{texte} texte


I get the same trouble except if I comment out \usepackage{helvet}

I have even tried to explicitly reset gridfont by \psset{gridfont=Helvetiva} but it does not work whereas \psset{gridfont=Times}, ... work.

Thanks for your help.


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