[pstricks] using the xylogscale of pst-plot vs gnuplot exponent issue

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Wed Mar 12 11:30:41 CET 2014

Am 10.03.2014 21:32, schrieb Julien Morand:

> I'm currently trying to plot the curve of the theoretical RdSOn of a
> power  MOSFET like in the example:
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bv_rdson.png

and here vthe complete example with the data points

20      0.0026
24      0.0044
30      0.0026
40      0.0036
55      0.005
60      0.0065
75      0.008
80      0.02
120     0.018
150     0.044
200     0.15
250     0.13
300     0.34
400     0.23
650     0.75
700     0.9
1000    2.4
25      0.0027
30      0.0027
40      0.0033
55      0.0047
75      0.0068
100     0.014
200     0.13
400     0.4
500     1.5
800     3
20      0.004
30      0.0033
30      0.003
55      0.0047
60      0.0085
75      0.007
100     0.014
150     0.032
200     0.054
250     0.24
300     0.45
400     0.55
450     0.63
500     0.52
600     0.75
650     0.93
800     3
900     8
1000    5

R_{sp\acute{e}cifique}\left(\frac{\Omega}{cm^2} \right)$,
   ysubticks=9] {->}(1,-4)(3.301,1.18){11cm}{6cm}
log( 5.93e-9*(10^x)^2.5 ) }
\pstScalePoints(1,1){ log } { log }
\listplot[plotstyle=dots, dotstyle=triangle*]{\data}


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