[pstricks] using the xylogscale of pst-plot vs gnuplot exponent issue

Julien Morand julienmorand2 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 21:32:39 CET 2014

Hello everyone,

I'm currently trying to plot the curve of the theoretical RdSOn of a power
 MOSFET like in the example:


I try to use the psgraph environment of pst-plot but when I write the given
equation the plot is not correct. I have to modify the value of the
exponent from 2.5 to 320!!

I also try the same equation using gnuplot and the plot is correct (see
attached files). Is there anyone that could help me on with this issue?
here is my code:








%ps tricks package







%putting the option for the psgraph environment

R_{sp\acute{e}cifique}\left(\frac{\Omega}{cm^2} \right)$,urx=-9cm,ury=0.5cm}


%starting the psgraph envrionement with automatic scale




%plotting the theoretical rdson without leads resistance

320 x exp mul log}






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