[pstricks] [powerdot] Re: powerdot and pst-ovl

Patrice MÉGRET Patrice.MEGRET at umons.ac.be
Tue Dec 31 10:22:31 CET 2013

Dear Hendrik,

If it may help, here is powerdot 1.4i where I changed lines:

186 to load pstricks with the option overlays
575, 576, 1103, 1108, 1176, 1178, 1184 and 1217 where I added tx at ovlDict begin .... end  in any \pst at Verb commands using yyyOL.

It is perhaps not the best solution, pstricks overlay commands could probably be used   instead of pst at Verb but I am not expert enough.

Anyway, with these modifications, I can compile my old presentations without modification and with pstricks 2.49c

Best regards,


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