[pstricks] pb with dotstyle=+

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Sun Dec 22 10:35:23 CET 2013

Am 21.12.2013 19:07, schrieb Germain BOYER:

> I use windows 7 and miktex portable.
> In my pc when i do psdots[dotstyle=+](1,1) the point is not in the right
> place but when i do psdots[dotstyle=x,dotangle=45](1,1) the point is
> correct.
> Is it the same in your pc ?

I cannot see any difference. Please provide a _complete_
example which shows the problem together with the
file list (\listfiles}

> Other question : is it possible to write a key dotlinewidth to control
> the linewidth of the point ?
> For example
> psdots[dotstyle=x,dotangle=45,dotsize=5mm,dotlinewith=0.2mm](1,1)(2,3)

only possible for symbols which are not taken from a font.


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