[pstricks] psbrace problem

Poul Riis Poul.Riis at skolekom.dk
Sun Dec 8 11:12:50 CET 2013

The project below works fine.
However, if I uncomment Blindtext, I get an error message from GhostView,
which begins with
 literal can be of the form

Unknown in Prolog section at line 1332:
  %% STR index -> literal STR index' nextchr

Unknown in Prolog section at line 1339:

and ends with

Displaying page 1
Displaying page 2
Error: /undefined in lb
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--  
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--  
false   1   %stopped_push   1932   1   3   %oparray_pop   1931   1   3  
%oparray_pop   1915   1   3   %oparray_pop   1803   1   3   %oparray_pop  
--nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--  
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--  
--nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1182/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:165/200(L)--  
--dict:184/300(L)--   --dict:106/200(L)--   --dict:52/400(L)--  
--dict:0/10(L)--   --dict:106/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory

--- Begin offending input ---
%%Page: 2 2
TeXDict begin 2 1 bop 0 TeXcolorgray 0 TeXcolorgray 0
TeXcolorgray 0 TeXcolorgray 0 TeXcolorgray 168 3061 a
tx at Dict begin  tx at NodeDict begin { 0 0  14.22636 mul exch 14.22636
mul exch  } false /N at A0 10 {InitPnode } /NodeScale {} def NewNode end

168 3061 a 168 3061 a
tx at Dict begin  tx at NodeDict begin { 0 lb  14.22636 mul exch 14.22636
mul exch  } false /N at A1 10 {InitPnode } /NodeScale {} def NewNode end
 168 3061 a 168 3061 a
tx at Dict begin  tx at NodeDict begin { 0 lb xh add  14.22636 mul exch 14.22636
mul exch  } false /N at A2 10 {InitPnode } /NodeScale {} def NewNode end
 168 3061
a 168 3061 a
tx at Dict begin  tx at NodeDict begin { 0 lb xh add hh add  14.22636 mul
exch 14.22636 mul exch  } false /N at A3 10 {InitPnode } /NodeScale {}
def NewNode end  end
 168 3061 a 168 3061 a
tx at Dict begin  tx at NodeDict begin { 0 lb xh add hh add ss add  14.22636
mul exch 14.22636 mul exch  } false /N at A4 10 {InitPnode } /NodeScale
{} def NewNode end  end
 168 3061 a 168 3061
tx at Dict begin  tx at NodeDict begin 
--- End offending input ---
file offset = 241217
gsapi_run_string_continue returns -101

It seems to have something to do with psbrace....

What can I do?

Poul Riis



\pstVerb{/hh 17.8 def /xx 7.5 def /lt 1.1 def /ss xx 2 div 30 cos div def
/lb 0.6 def /ls 1.2 def /xh xx 2 div def}
\pnode(!0 0){A0}
\pnode(!0 lb){A1}
\pnode(!0 lb xh add){A2}
\pnode(!0 lb xh add hh add){A3}
\pnode(!0 lb xh add hh add ss add){A4}
\pnode(!0 lb xh add hh add ss add lt add){A5}
\pnode(!ls 0){B0}
\pnode(!ls lb){B1}
\pnode(!ls lb xh add){B2}
\pnode(!ls lb xh add hh add){B3}
\pnode(!ls lb xh add hh add ss add){B4}
\pnode(!ls lb xh add hh add ss add lt add){B5}
\pnode(!ls xx 4 mul add 0){C0}
\pnode(!ls xx 4 mul add lb){C1}
\pnode(!ls xx 4 mul add lb xh add){C2}
\pnode(!ls xx 4 mul add lb xh add hh add){C3}
\pnode(!ls xx 4 mul add lb xh add hh add ss add){C4}
\pnode(!ls xx 4 mul add lb xh add hh add ss add lt add){C5}
\psline(!ls xx add 0)(!ls xx add lb xh add hh add ss add lt add)
\psline(!ls xx 2 mul add 0)(!ls xx 2 mul add lb xh add hh add ss add lt
\psline(!ls xx 3 mul add 0)(!ls xx 3 mul add lb xh add hh add ss add lt


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