[pstricks] jpg, pst and picture environment - problems with pdflatex

Stefka Karakoleva skarakoleva at uni-ruse.bg
Thu Aug 8 10:25:36 CEST 2013

Thank you for complete instructions:

> - use the package auto-pst-pdf instead of pst-pdf.
> - do _not_ use the option [pdftex] for package graphicx
> - run the document with pdflatex --shell-escape <file>
> Herbert

I made all according instructions  but in the pictures.pdf I have ONLY 
"jpg" and "picture", not "pstricks" figures. The 3th pisture is in a 
separate file pictures-autopp.pdf

As attached file I send an arhive, wich contains all files after my 

My best regards,
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