[pstricks] problem in equation numbering

Kari Eloranta kari.eloranta at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 19:35:07 CEST 2013

I tried to change the position of label as you instructed. The result was
?? instead of an equation reference.
Then I tried to produce a minimum working example on a separate file, but
there it worked just fine. I try to reproduce the problem tomorrow, and if
I can, I post a complete example.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

2013/4/18 Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de>

> On 18.04.2013 17:45, Kari Eloranta wrote:
>  \info{{\blue Resistance}\\%
>> The resistance of an electrical component is
>> \begin{equation}
>> R=\frac{V}{I}
>> \end{equation}\label{eq:res}
>> where $V$ is the potential difference across the component, and $I$ the
>> electric current flowing through it.}
>> the equation number (label) becomes 1.20 in the output pdf. However, when
>> I try use \ref{eq:res} to reference the equation, the reference tag is 1.10
>> instead of 1.20. Recompiling does not help. Is there a solution to this
>> problem?
> try
> \begin{equation}\label{eq:res}
> R=\frac{V}{I}
> \end{equation}
> the label should be inside the environment.
> if it doesn't help then provide a _complete_ example
> Herbert
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Kari Eloranta
Ketunpolku 1
Tel: +358 40 586 7654
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