[pstricks] a function defined by an infinite serie

Christoph Bersch usenet at bersch.net
Fri Feb 15 13:38:44 CET 2013


Am 15.02.2013 13:00, schrieb Cyrille Piatecki:
> I wonder how to plot under pstricks the following function
> \varepsilon(t) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{\rho^n \cdot t^{n \cdot
> \alpha}}{\Gamma(n\cdot\alpha +1)}\cdot \epsilon_0
> for  whichever \rho --- positif or negatif --- and 0<  \alpha<= 1

try this:

\usepackage{pst-plot, pst-math}
% #1 is \rho, #2 is \alpha, #3 is summation limit
   0 % start value for summation
   0 1 #3 {
     dup #1 exch exp exch #2 mul dup
     x exch exp 3 -1 roll mul exch 1 add GAMMA div add
   } for
\psplot[plotpoints=30, showpoints]{0}{10}{\epsilonfunc{0.2}{0.5}{30}}

This is with a fixed summation, I don't know the function behavior, so 
what truncation criterium might be used.


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