[pstricks] incorrect xLabels

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Fri Jan 25 15:13:08 CET 2013

On 25.01.2013 10:46, Fabian Brunner wrote:

> I have problems with axis labels. Can anyone explain why the following
> code produces
> incorrect x-labels (the first label is missing, the second is '.75a').
> I'm using texlive2012.
> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{pst-plot}
> \begin{document}
> \psgraph[axesstyle=frame,Oy=0.75,Dy=0.05,xLabels={a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k}](0,0.75)(10,1.5){4in}{4in}%

use it this way:



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