[pstricks] PSTricks Digest, Vol 120, Issue 10
Germain BOYER
germain.boyer at ac-toulouse.fr
Tue Jan 22 19:07:45 CET 2013
Thanks Herbert for your answer.
When you draw a simple picture, it's better if all the lines have the same width.
If i put \psdots[dotstyle=x](2,1) then the width of the dot is not \pslinewidth.
If i put \psdots[dotstyle=x,dotsize=2mm 0](2,1) then the width of the dot change.
For this reason, i try to write a newcommand to have the width of the dot = \pslinewidth and the size of the dot i like.
Your good solution give me a new idea.
Like \pslinewidth is there \psnodesep and \psangle ?
If yes i can do :
\def\psdotx{\@ifnextchar[{\psdotx at i}{\psdotx at i[nodesep=1.5mm,angle=45]}}
\def\psdotx at i[#1](#2){{%
\multido{\r=\psangle+90 , \ia=1+1}{4}{%
}% fin du \multido
}}% fin de \newcommand
and after \psdotx(A)
or \psdotx[angle=30](A)
or for a lot of points
Is it possible ?
Thanks for your answers.
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