[pstricks] [pst-barcode] How changing font ? And how using with it a certain PostScript font downloaded from the web ?

Quark67 quark67 at free.fr
Mon Dec 12 02:45:11 CET 2011

Le 11 déc. 2011 à 18:43, Herbert Voss a écrit :
> Am 11.12.2011 16:39, schrieb Quark67:
> > Hello, the default font in the pst-barcode package is Helvetica. How can
> > I change the font ?
> > Yes, I see the pst-barcode-doc.pdf documentation, at section 2.2, I see
> > the option :
> >
> > font /Helvetica must be a PostScript font
> that is a default PostScript font and _always_ present.
> You can use all PostScript fonts, like Times-Roman and so on.
> This font is only for the optional text which can be
> printed, but not for the barcode
Yes, this is for optional text, for printing the digits of the barcode. But there is an error in the documentation, at section 2.2 :
the correct option is not :
> > font       /Helvetica                       must be a PostScript font
but :

textfont      Helvetica (not a slash before it)

> > But most of EAN13 barcodes in real objects use the font "OCR-B". You can
> > see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCR-B but the sample of the font is not
> > very correct. For better sample of the font, you can use the LaTeX
> > package ocr (but this use bitmap fonts) or download a free PostScript
> > (.pfb and .afm files), TrueType (.ttf file) and OpenType (.otf file)
> > version of the OCR-B font, made by Matthew Skala from the ocr package,
> > at the web page : http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/page/fonts#ocrb
> > Is there an way to use the PostScript OCR-B font with the pst-barcode
> > package ? At
> no, why should it? The package draws the lines by itself.
The lines are correct. But in real world, the most EAN13 barcodes digits (at least at France) are not printed with the font Helvetica or Times Roman, but with the font OCR-B. So there would be great if with the pst-barcode we can use the font OCR-B for printing the digits.
If you don't believe me, I will take picture of EAN13 barcode of various products and publish these on my web site.

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